Friday, February 26, 2010


I know ya'll probably don't want to see my ugly feet but here they are! February 5th we're pretty sure I broke my toe. While I was cleaning someones tub...

Then the next day, Saturday the 6th, this big lug of a dog jumped the fence and got stuck. It ripped a big hole in his flank where his leg meets his body. All you can really see is where they shaved him but you can tell it's huge. Andy took him to the Emergency Vet that night and it was expensive! (I mean, of course, did I think it would be cheap?) We found out he weighs 120 lbs! And I am now considering going to school to be vet tech. (Maybe our little farm of animals and us can get a discount! :)

Then this morning, February 26th, Hannah tripped over a humidifier that I had taken apart to clean and put away. This was her owie on her right side.
So, needless to say I'm really glad February is almost over!!!